
Tuesday 30 July 2019

2019瑞士旅游攻略【蜜月之旅】- Day 4(劳特布龙嫩)


1. Executive Summary: 瑞士旅游懒人包指南
2. Day 2 (Grindelwald): Day 2(格林德瓦)部落格
3. Day 2 (Interlaken): Day 2 (因德拉肯)部落格
4. Day 3 (Thun): Day 3(图恩)部落格
5. Day 3 (Bern): Day 3(伯尔尼 )部落格
6. Day 4 (Jungfraujoch): Day 4(少女峰)部落格
7. Day 5 (Zermatt): Day 5 (采尔马特)部落格
8. Day 6 (Lucerne): Day 6(卢塞恩)部落格
9. Day 6 (Lungern): Day 6 (龙疆)部落格
10. Day 7 (Bern): Day 7(伯尔尼)部落格


第4天:少女峰 & 劳特布龙嫩
💜午餐(Restaurant Aletsch @ 少女峰):参考 Day 4(少女峰)部落格
💜观光(少女峰):参考 Day 4(少女峰)部落格
💜晚餐(Restaurant Hotel Oberland @ 劳特布龙嫩):请参阅下面的部落格 

继续上一篇Day 4(少女峰)部落格,我们计划的当天路线是伯尔尼→格林德瓦→少女峰→(文根)→劳特布龙嫩。在征服少女峰后,我们乘坐火车前往文根方向,一路前往目的地劳特布龙嫩。少女峰的火车不管是在格林德瓦还是劳特布龙嫩乘坐,景色都是一样令人叹为观止,你可以看到绿色的田野变成白雪世界的景色,这样的火车之旅应该只有在瑞士才能体验到吧,真的不容错过!格林德瓦是一个充满绿色山谷的迷人小镇,上面点缀着零星小屋,而劳特布龙嫩是一个拥有72个瀑布的网红小镇!我们爱上了格林德瓦尔德和劳特布龙嫩,并且个人觉得这两个城镇肯定不容错过哦,赶快排进你的行程里吧!







👉 劳特布龙嫩镇里有着72个瀑布。这就是为什么这个小镇比其他瑞士小镇更加潮湿。瑞士的湿度低且干燥,对于生活在亚洲相对比较潮湿的国家的我们来说,我们觉得皮肤很快就会变干和“脱水”状态。但一到了劳特布龙嫩镇,感觉镇上空气清新的多,湿度比较高也让我们感觉非常好舒服哦。

👉劳特布龙嫩拥有许多远足小径供游客徒步,风景肯定是绝美的!镇上有许多道路标志,展示远足小径的距离以及到达目的地的时间。如果你的时间在劳特布龙嫩是充裕的话,不要错过远足小径哦,其中最简单的小径是一条平坦的道路,从劳特布龙嫩镇到Stechelberg。在这条小径中,您将经过有名的Staubbach Falls(欧洲最高的瀑布,也会看到广阔绿原,沿途小木屋,野外放牧的牛儿,以及滑翔者们!

👉从Stechelberg出发,您可以购买缆车票,一直坐到米伦 (Murren)镇。米伦镇是另一个无车乡村,很多游客也喜欢来的一个村庄。从米伦出发,您可以游览瑞士的另一个举世闻名的高山,就是雪朗峰(Schilthorn)山(詹姆斯邦德拍摄电影'女王陛下的秘密服务'之地!)。




提示:对于那些有 Swiss Travel Pass有人,如果您不想走路经过小径的话,您可以免费坐黄色巴士从劳特布龙嫩镇一直到Stechelberg。但是,我们真的建议您走路,让自己真正沉浸在瑞士的大自然当中。虽然我们走的也累坏了,但这里的景色确实令人叹为观止,将来有机会我们还会再次走着这些小径。说实话,当天我们真的太累,走到一半就不行了,看到了一辆车驶来,我们想着就厚脸皮的问下司机可以载我们去Stechelberg吗,很感恩当天的那对情侣同意让我们坐在他们的车里,不然我们真的不知道那条路要怎样走下去啊哈哈。 😅


👉米伦镇告吹,我们回到了劳特布龙嫩在Hotel Oberland餐厅吃晚餐。它被评为是劳特布龙嫩镇的最佳晚餐选择之一。不仅位置优美,可以俯瞰绿色山谷,小木屋和壮观的山脉,也可以体验到正宗的瑞士晚餐。反正是在瑞士村庄,就要应景一下,我们选了瑞士芝士火锅,想着来瑞士都必须尝试一次。这里的芝士火锅里面含有酒精,感觉酒精味道蛮强的,所以个人不太喜欢。服务员教我们如何吃芝士火锅,并告诉我们将面包搅拌在火锅里沾上芝士,放入自己喜欢的配料,然后就可以享用那面包和土豆啦。坐在我们隔壁的外国情侣非常喜欢这个芝士火锅,不止清完了整个火锅,还把火锅底部的焦脆芝士皮层给刮下,吃的超开兴地说。他们看到了我们还剩了约过半的芝士在火锅里,两个人都笑傻了哈哈。我觉得我们给了昂贵的芝士火锅的钱,就只为了吃土豆和面包😏。

提示:在瑞士记得品尝瑞士风味的正宗食物,如芝士火锅,raclette, 和 rosti。瑞士人也很喜欢吃马铃薯,每一餐中都会看到。在我们的瑞士之旅过后,仿佛变得有点害怕芝士和土豆了哈哈。


The beautiful view in Lauterbrunnen, a bit of Grindelwald feeling. Both of them are my favorite town in Switzerland!
Lauterbrunnen - home to 72 waterfalls
劳特布龙嫩 - 有着72个瀑布的小镇
Who will not fall in love with this view?
Lauterbrunnen 💗
劳特布龙嫩 💗
Falling in love again in Lauterbrunnen
Snow capped mountains and waterfalls, the amazing piece of God's creation
The trail that you can walk from Lauterbrunnen town to Stechelberg station, just like painting
Won't get tired walking with this view! (Kidding, we really get tired at the halfway of the trail 😓)
在这样美丽的地方徒步应该不会觉得累吧!(开玩笑的,其实我们走到一半就变得好累好累 😓)
You get to see this kind of view when you walk along the trail
Hotel Oberland restaurant which overlooks this beautiful view, dinner with a view here
Hotel Oberland 餐厅对面就是这样漂亮的景色,边吃边看风景
The authentic Swiss cheese fondues in this lovely village of Switzerland

Swiss cheese fondues which come with breads, potatoes, and toppings. Can ask for non alcohol if you prefer to.
The one that served here comes with alcohol by default.
Dip the breads into cheese fondues and put the toppings that you like to enjoy!

劳特布龙嫩体验结束了! 想要参考更多的瑞士景点和照片吗? 请参考其他部落格的链接!(在最顶端或最下方都看得到)。 如果您有任何意见或疑问,请在以下留言。 最后,记得在Facebook和Instagram上关注我,以获最新部落格信息!💗

(Notes: My website contains some affiliate links and advertisement which are not scam, they are safe to click and at no cost to you, it gives me a little bit of commission for me to keep on maintaining the website. Your support is my biggest motivation!)


1. Executive Summary: 瑞士旅游懒人包指南
2. Day 2 (Grindelwald): Day 2(格林德瓦)部落格
3. Day 2 (Interlaken): Day 2 (因德拉肯)部落格
4. Day 3 (Thun): Day 3(图恩)部落格
5. Day 3 (Bern): Day 3(伯尔尼 )部落格
6. Day 4 (Jungfraujoch): Day 4(少女峰)部落格
7. Day 5 (Zermatt): Day 5 (采尔马特)部落格
8. Day 6 (Lucerne): Day 6(卢塞恩)部落格
9. Day 6 (Lungern): Day 6 (龙疆)部落格
10. Day 7 (Bern): Day 7(伯尔尼)部落格

⭐Follow me below:
Instagram: melon_journey

💗 Author: Ng Mei Lian/ Adrian Yeoh Aun Hong
👉 Date: 21/4/2019

Sunday 28 July 2019

7 Days in Switzerland Itinerary - Day 4: Lauterbrunnen

Refer to below links for more Switzerland April Spring trip blogs:

1. Executive Summary: Executive Summary Blog
2. Day 2 (Grindelwald): Day 2 (Grindelwald) Blog
3. Day 2 (Interlaken): Day 2 (Interlaken) Blog
4. Day 3 (Thun): Day 3 (Thun) Blog 
5. Day 3 (Bern): Day 3 (Bern) Blog
6. Day 4 (Jungfraujoch): Day 4 (Jungfraujoch) Blog
7. Day 5 (Zermatt): Day 5 (Zermatt) Blog
8. Day 6 (Lucerne): Day 6 (Lucerne) Blog
9. Day 6 (Lungern): Day 6 (Lungern) Blog
10. Day 7 (Bern): Day 7 (Bern) Blog

Itinerary Summary:

Day 4: Jungfraujoch & Lauterbrunnen
💜 Lunch (Restaurant Aletsch @ Jungfraujoch) : Refer Day 4 (Jungfraujoch) Blog
💜 Sightseeing (Jungraujoch) : Refer Day 4 (Jungfraujoch) Blog
💜 Sightseeing (Lauterbrunnen) : Refer blog below
💜 Dinner (Restaurant Hotel Oberland @ Lauterbrunnen) : Refer blog below

Continue from previous blog on Day 4 (Jungfraujoch) Blog, our planned route for the day was Bern → Grindelwald → Jungfraujoch → (Wengen) → Lauterbrunnen. After conquered Jungfraujoch, we came down via train for Wengen direction and go all the way to Lauterbrunnen. The train rides at Grindelwald and Lauterbrunnen were breathtaking, you can see the scenery changed from green fields to white snow world. This experience is not to be missed when you are in Switzerland! Grindelwald is a lovely town fulls of green valley with small cottages dotted on it, while Lauterbrunnen is a charming town which is a a home to a total of 72 waterfalls! We fell in love with Grindelwald and Lauterbrunnen, and personally felt both of the towns should definitely in your bucket list in Switzerland! 


Average Time Spent: 4 hours

Highlights: Waterfall town, scenic view, hiking trails

Suits: Nature lovers, hiking lovers

Personal Star Rating: ★★★
★★ (Must Visit)

Description & Tips:

👉 Lauterbrunnen town is a home to 72 waterfalls. That's why the town is more humid compared to other Swiss's town. The humidity in Switzerland is low and dry and for us who live in Asia a comparatively humid country, we feel our skin get dry and 'dehydrated' quickly. We feel blessed to be in Lauterbrunnen town as the crisp fresh air in the town makes us feel so good.

👉 Lauterbrunnen has many hiking trails available for tourists to hike through and reward you with the beautiful scenery that you will never forget! There are many road signs in Lauterbrunnen that show you the available hiking trails and their distances together with the time to reach the destination. If you have time in Lauterbrunnen, do not miss the hiking trail, the easiest one will be a relatively flat road that leads you from Lauterbrunnen town to Stechelberg. In this trail, you will passby the famous waterfall named Staubbach Falls (Europe's highest free falling waterfall), witness the vast greenary unfold in front of your eyes, little cottages along the way, animals like cows grazing in field, and even paragliders landing on the vast field!

👉 From Stechelberg, you can buy the ticket to sit cable car all the way up to Murren town. Murren town is another car free village that is beautiful and well known for tourists as well. From Murren, you can go to another famous mountain excursion in Switzerland, which is Schilthorn mountain (James Bond filming location for movie 'On Her Majesty's Secret Service'!).

👉 Lauterbrunnen gets romantic at night with lesser tourists crowds. It is a good idea to stay there overnight and feel the different kinds of vibe that Lauterbrunnen offers to you! There is only a limited hotel choices in Lauterbrunnen town, about 11 of them only, but all of them are lovely because they are in Lauterbrunnen. You can choose hostel or airbnb as well, quite a number of them in the area.

TIPS: Prepare some snacks and drinks with you before start the trail journey. There is no coffee shop and toilet along the trail. We only see one vending machine on the way, the price is not cheap also and limited choices, if not mistaken one bottle of water costs CHF4? Can't really remember but really not cheap.

TIPS: We do not see any lights on the trail, so better plan your time and get out of it when the sky turns dark. As there is no restaurant for you as well along the trail, it is really all about nature only. So watch the time, and return back to Lauterbrunnen town before evening and for your dinner.

TIPS: For those Swiss Travel Pass holder, you can sit yellow post bus for free from Lauterbrunnen town to Stechelberg. However, we really recommend that you walk to truly immerse yourself in the nature. Although it is a bit (not only a bit, but quite?) tiring for us, but honestly the view is really breathtaking and we feel that we will do that again if there is a chance in future. Truth is that day we hailed a car in the middle of the trail to go to Stechelberg, thanks to the kind couple who agreed to let us hop into their car, we were really very tired at that time and the trail seemed like a never ending one. 😅

TIPS: Check the cable car operating time if you want to go to Murren or visit Schilthorn mountain. Initially we thought of to go to Murren for a walk and dinner, however we not able to visit Murren at last due to the cable car timing.

👉 Plan to dinner in Murren was cancelled and thus we went back to Lauterbrunnen town. We had dinner in Hotel Oberland restaurant. It is rated as one of the best dinner place to head to in Lauterbrunnen. Not only the location is beautiful as it overlooks the green valley with cottages and mountains as background, you will get yourself the authentic Swiss dining experience here. To be in this lovely Lauterbrunnen village, we choose to order the famous Swiss cheese fondue that everyone must try once when visit Switzerland. The cheese fondue comes with alcohol inside and personally it not suits my taste bud because of the strong alcohol smell. The waiter teaches us how to eat the cheese fondue and shows us how to stir the cheese fondue by dipping the breads inside, put the favorite toppings, then enjoy the breads and potato. The couple sits beside our table love the cheese fondue so much that they clear up the whole fondue plate, and also eat the crispy layer of cheese at the bottom of the fondue plate happily. They look at how much we have the leftover for cheese fondue and both of us laugh together. I feel like we pay the expensive cheese fondue money just to eat the potato and breads, unlike the couple beside who savors thoroughly 😏.

TIPS: Try swiss authentic foods in Switzerland, such as raclette, cheese fondue, and rosti. Swiss people also like to eat potato other than cheese. We can see potato in each and every meal which is their main carbohydrate food source. We become a bit scare of cheese and potato after our Switzerland trip 😂.

TIPS: Remember to make reservation if can before you visit the restaurant. As the restaurant is rated as one of the best in Lauterbrunnen, it is really packed with locals and tourists everyday. For us we are quite lucky as we just walk in and able to grab a seat for 2 people within 15 minutes, the waiter informs us usually they only able to serve those with reservation, those walk in needs to see the luck!

The beautiful view in Lauterbrunnen, a bit of Grindelwald feeling. Both of them are my favorite town in Switzerland!
Lauterbrunnen - home to 72 waterfalls
劳特布龙嫩 - 有着72个瀑布的小镇
Who will not fall in love with this view?
Lauterbrunnen 💗
劳特布龙嫩 💗
Falling in love again in Lauterbrunnen
Snow capped mountains and waterfalls, the amazing piece of God's creation
The trail that you can walk from Lauterbrunnen town to Stechelberg station, just like painting
Won't get tired walking with this view! (Kidding, we really get tired at the halfway of the trail 😓)
在这样美丽的地方徒步应该不会觉得累吧!(开玩笑的,其实我们走到一半就变得好累好累 😓)
You get to see this kind of view when you walk along the trail
Hotel Oberland restaurant which overlooks this beautiful view, dinner with a view here
Hotel Oberland 餐厅对面就是这样漂亮的景色,边吃边看风景
The authentic Swiss cheese fondues in this lovely village of Switzerland

Swiss cheese fondues which come with breads, potatoes, and toppings. Can ask for non alcohol if you prefer to.
The one that served here comes with alcohol by default.
Dip the breads into cheese fondues and put the toppings that you like to enjoy!

Lauterbrunnen wanderlust ends here! Interested to venture more of Switzerland? Refer to the links for other posts! Please share with me if you have any comments or inquiries. Follow me in Facebook and Instagram to get updated on new blog posts and photos too!💗

(Notes: My website contains some affiliate links and advertisement which are not scam, they are safe to click and at no cost to you, it gives me a little bit of commission for me to keep on maintaining the website. Your support is my biggest motivation!)

Refer to below links for more Switzerland April Spring trip blogs:

1. Executive Summary: Executive Summary Blog
2. Day 2 (Grindelwald): Day 2 (Grindelwald) Blog
3. Day 2 (Interlaken): Day 2 (Interlaken) Blog
4. Day 3 (Thun): Day 3 (Thun) Blog 
5. Day 3 (Bern): Day 3 (Bern) Blog
6. Day 4 (Jungfraujoch): Day4 (Jungfraujoch) Blog
7. Day 5 (Zermatt): Day 5 (Zermatt) Blog
8. Day 6 (Lucerne): Day 6 (Lucerne) Blog
9. Day 6 (Lungern): Day 6 (Lungern) Blog
10. Day 7 (Bern): Day 7 (Bern) Blog

⭐Follow me below:
Instagram: melon_journey

💗 Author: Ng Mei Lian/ Adrian Yeoh Aun Hong
👉 Date: 21/4/2019