
Saturday 10 April 2021

2019法国旅游攻略 - Day 1: 蒙帕纳斯大厦


1. Executive Summary: 写文中
2. Day 1 (Montmartre) Day 1 (蒙马特)
3. Day 1 (Montparnasse Tower): Day 1 (蒙帕纳斯大厦) 
4. Day 1 (Seine River Cruise): Day 1 (塞纳河游船) 
5. Day 2 (Eiffel Tower/Place du Trocadero/Carousel) : Day 2 (埃菲尔铁塔/特罗卡德罗广场/旋转木马)




第1天:蒙马特 & 蒙帕纳斯大厦 & 塞纳河游船
💜观光(塞纳河游船):正在写着部落格 中

这是我们在法国的第一天,我们人在巴黎,也号称为世界上著名的浪漫与爱情之城!我们于前一天从伦敦乘坐欧洲之星火车前往巴黎,并在Avalon Hotel Paris Gare du Nord登记入住酒店。经过一夜的休息,第二天早上我们在巴黎小镇开始了旅程。我们的第一个目的地是蒙马特。这是一个可爱又充满艺术气息的小镇,我个人很喜欢。这里也是血拼纪念品的好地方,败了不少可爱的巴黎纪念品!逛到了傍晚时分,我们去了蒙帕纳斯大厦,鸟瞰整个巴黎市。这里的景色实在令人叹为观止,尤其是从黄昏转变到夜晚的那瞬间。从这个大厦,也可以远眺埃菲尔铁塔每小时的灯光秀,每个小时的整点钟铁塔会亮着长达五分钟的灯,铁塔闪烁的灯光一闪一闪点缀了巴黎的夜空,在我心中留下了特别深刻的印象!最后,我们在塞纳河乘船游览结束了今天的行程。那天下着小雨,我们不能坐在户外欣赏全景。尽管如此,这也是一次不错的放松之旅,来结束了巴黎之旅的第一天。 😍






  • 巴黎市蒙帕纳斯(Montparnasse)地区的一座210米高的办公摩天大楼
  • 巴黎地区第三高塔,仅次于Eiffel Tower和Tour First Paris
  • 欣赏巴黎市的最佳全景地点,非常推荐!


💗著名经典来巴黎的打卡地!😎 征服埃菲尔铁塔顶部绝对是游客来巴黎的清单里,可以在巴黎埃菲尔铁塔里面逛绝对是很多人想做的事吧!(备注:这里的照片是拍不到铁塔的,因为你在铁塔里面)

💗最好的地方是,您可以从这里看到埃菲尔铁塔的全貌 从黄昏待到晚上,等到每小时整点钟的埃菲尔铁塔灯光秀,让那迷人的巴黎夜景更加锦上添花!😍 与埃菲尔铁塔观景台相比,其实这里偏向我想要去的地方啦!毕竟我是来巴黎旅游,所以我想看到一个在巴黎只能欣赏的夜景,就是巴黎市和那闪闪的埃菲尔铁塔在一个框的全景,否则那个巴黎的夜景照片好像少了些什么,嗯,你明白我的意思吧嘻嘻! 😄
💗不要忘记一起拍摄您和埃菲尔铁塔的照片!我甚至还有一个亲吻艾菲尔铁塔的镜头叻哈哈! 😘😝

Montparnasse Tower office building outlook

Buy tickets to go up observatory deck

Look! It's Eiffel Tower! 😄

Souvenir shop

Day view

Approaching evening

Kissing Eiffel Tower 😘

Sky turns dark slowly, love night view more than day view
(❤ ω ❤)我就喜欢夜景多过白天

Eiffel Tower hourly blinking light show, accompanied with star at the backdrop,
so amazingly beautiful and romantic 💖
闪闪发亮的铁塔灯光秀,后面还有星星相得益彰,好唯美浪漫 💖

Love this night view, you can see Eiffel Tower, Dome Church Les Invalides

👉 如何到达:
  • 地铁: Lines 4, 6, 12, 13 @ Montparnasse-Bienvenue 站
  • 巴士: No. 28, 58, 82, 88, 89, 91, 92, 94, 95, 96 @ 靠近大厦的站,加上一点步行


👉 提示:
  • 对于那些有兴趣参观埃菲尔铁塔内部的人,建议选择埃菲尔铁塔观景台。 (备注:您的照片将缺少埃菲尔铁塔的全貌)
  • 对于那些有兴趣拍埃菲尔铁塔全貌的人,建议选择蒙帕纳斯大厦观景台。 (备注:您会少了征服埃菲尔铁塔的感觉)
  • 建议参观蒙帕纳斯大厦的时间是在日落时段。从日落一直待到深夜,可以让您看到白天渐变到夜晚的巴黎城市景色。
  • 爬上蒙帕纳斯大厦的楼梯,到达露天的露台。与观景台相比,您可以拍到比较清晰漂亮的巴黎照片,因为露天露台没有镜面反射。
  • 给旅客的好提示:在蒙帕纳斯大厦的56层观景台尽情享受时光,这里还有一些食品和纪念品可以购买。当需要拍摄日落照片或闪烁的埃菲尔铁塔灯光秀时,才爬楼梯去露天露台即可。拍完后,迅速回到观景台,点上一些热饮,保暖一番!这样,您可以在适当的时间点,拍摄到优质的照片,又不会一直待在露天露台,饱受寒风吹袭。
  • 记住要带上保暖的衣服和外套,尤其是在露天露台上。
  • 对于只想舒适地欣赏美景而又不热衷于拍摄好照片的人,可以待在第56层观景台即可。舒舒服服的看着埃菲尔铁塔,度过美好的时光!
  • 入场费:
           Standard Tickets: 
           💰Euro 18 (Adults) / Euro 15 (Students & Young 12 to 18 Years Old) / Euro 9.50 (Children 4 to 11 Years Old) / Free (Children Under 4 Years Old) / Euro 7.50 (Person with Limited Mobility) 
            Day & Night Tickets (通用 48 小时,可以用 2 次,1 次白天,1 次晚上)
            💰Euro 23 (Adults) / Euro 20 (Students & Young 12 to 18 Years Old) / Euro 16 (Children 4 to 11 Years Old) / Free (Children Under 4 Years Old)
  • 官方网站: Link (去蒙帕纳斯大厦之前,记得预约)

Please enjoy the compilation of my Top Things to Do in Paris in Youtube, hope you guys enjoy and support me by subscribing, liking, and commenting! 💓😘


1. Executive Summary: 写文中
2. Day 1 (Montmartre) Day 1 (蒙马特)
3. Day 1 (Montparnasse Tower): Day 1 (蒙帕纳斯大厦) 
4. Day 1 (Seine River Cruise): Day 1 (塞纳河游船) 
5. Day 2 (Eiffel Tower/Place du Trocadero/Carousel) : Day 2 (埃菲尔铁塔/特罗卡德罗广场/旋转木马)



蒙帕纳斯大厦体验结束了! 想要参考更多的法国景点和照片吗? 请参考其他部落格的链接(在最顶端或最下方都看得到)! 如果您有任何意见或疑问,请在以下留言。 最后,记得在Facebook和Instagram上关注我,以获最新部落格信息!💗

(Notes: My website contains some affiliate links and advertisement which are not scam, they are safe to click and at no cost to you, it gives me a little bit of commission for me to keep on maintaining the website. Your support is my biggest motivation!)

💗 Author: Ng Mei Lian/ Adrian Yeoh Aun Hong
👉 Date: 29/10/2019

5 Days in France Itinerary - Day 1: Montparnasse Tower

Refer to below links for more France October trip blogs:

1. Executive Summary: Ongoing
2. Day 1 (Montmartre) Day 1 (Montmartre)
3. Day 1 (Montparnasse Tower): Day 1 (Montparnasse Tower) 
4. Day 1 (Seine River Cruise): Day 1 (Seine River Cruise) 
5. Day 2 (Eiffel Tower/Place du Trocadero/Carousel) : Day 2 (Eiffel Tower/Place du Trocadero/Carousel)

More blogs ongoing

Itinerary Summary:

Day 1: Montmarte & Montparnasse Tower & Seine River Cruise
💜 Sightseeing & Lunch (Montmarte) : Refer LINK
💜 Sightseeing (Montparnasse Tower) : Refer below blog
💜 Sightseeing (Seine River Cruise) : Refer LINK

It was our 1st day in France and we were in Paris, the famous city of romance and love in the world! 💖We sat Eurostar train from London to Paris on previous day and checked in our hotel at Avalon Hotel Paris Gare du Nord. After rest for the night, we started our journey the next day morning in Paris town. The 1st destination that we ventured around was Montmarte. It was a lovely and artsy town that we enjoyed so much. We bought some cute Paris souvenirs back home too! When evening approached, we went to Montparnasse Tower to have a bird eye view of Paris city. The view here was breathtaking especially the changing for light from dusk to night. The most special moment was the hourly lighting show of Eiffel tower, the blinking light of Eiffel tower left a strong impression in my heart! We ended our night with a river cruise in Seine river. It was raining mildly on the day and we were not able to sit outdoor to enjoy the view to the fullest. Nonetheless, it was a nice relaxing cruise to end the 1st day of Paris journey. 😍

Montparnasse Tower

Average Time Spent: 2 hours

Highlights: Observation deck with the best panoromic view of Paris city skyline

Suits: Sightseeing lovers

Personal Star Rating: ★★

👉 Background & History: 

  • A 210metre office skyscraper in Montparnasse area of Paris city
  • The 3rd tallest tower in Paris region, after Eiffel Tower and Tour First
  • Recommended place to visit to if you want to have the best panoramic view of Paris city under your feet!
👉 I had a hard time choosing Eiffel tower or Montparnasse tower for the Paris city panoramic view  before the trip. Both of them have their own charm and is truly up to own preference, both will never go wrong! What's the view to expect from Eiffel tower and Montparnasse tower? Refer the comparison below:

Eiffel Tower:
💗View of Seine river, Montmartre, Louvre, Grand Palace, Notre Dame, Champs Elysees, Arc de Triomphe and etcetera
💗 Famous tourist attraction, so expect huge crowds queuing to go up the observation deck (even they need you to pre-book your session upfront)
💗 Who doesn't want to check in the Instagram at Eiffel Tower! 😎 To conquer the top of Eiffel Tower is definitely one of the things that tourists usually love to do it, yes the sense of pride that you are in Paris, as you are literally "inside" the Eiffel Tower! (Notes: You can't take the full Eiffel Tower view from here, since you are inside the tower itself)
💗 Don't leave the Eiffel Tower without dining at the restaurant which is located at the "center" level of Eiffel Tower, it gives you a nice Paris view while you are dining comfortably!
💗 Don't miss the Eiffel Tower hourly light show, every hour on the hour, the tower will be illuminated with blinking lights and illumination lasts for 5 minutes. You can spend the beautiful time here after your dinner, certainly a great dating spot!

Montparnasse Tower:
💗 View of Eiffel Tower, Sacre Coeur, Notre Dame, Montmartre, Pantheon and etcetera
💗 Not as crowded as Eiffel Tower, as travel agencies usually go to Eiffel Tower instead, which is a plus for someone who don't like crowds! 
💗 Best thing is you can see the Eiffel Tower from here! 😇Wait till hourly Eiffel Tower light show for an even amazing spark!😍 This is the thing that makes me want to visit here compared to Eiffel Tower observation deck! I come to Paris for Eiffel Tower view after all, so I really wish to see a city view with Eiffel Tower (which can only done from Paris), else I feel like missing something, yeah you know what I mean right! 😄
💗 Don't leave the Montparnasse Tower without shooting the photos of you and Eiffel Tower together! I even have a shot of me kissing Eiffel Tower! 😘😝
💗When you reach the ground floor of Montparnasse Tower, sit the lift to 56th floor to reach the 360degree observation deck. If you are looking to take some good photos without the mirror reflection which we will see in observation deck, then walk the staircases to reach the top of Montparnasse Tower, which is an open air terrace. This open air terrace is super cold and windy since it is open, but you are guaranteed to get good photos of Eiffel Tower here! (Notes: There is no lift to reach the open air terrace, only staircases. Hence, if you are not a keen fans to take nice photos or are afraid of too hot or too cold and windy weather, it is best recommended to stay at the air-conditioned observation deck will do. The night view scenes which you see at observation deck are exactly the same at open air terrace)

Montparnasse Tower office building outlook

Buy tickets to go up observatory deck

Look! It's Eiffel Tower! 😄

Souvenir shop

Day view

Approaching evening

Kissing Eiffel Tower 😘

Sky turns dark slowly, love night view more than day view
(❤ ω ❤)我就喜欢夜景多过白天

Eiffel Tower hourly blinking light show, accompanied with star at the backdrop,
so amazingly beautiful and romantic 💖
闪闪发亮的铁塔灯光秀,后面还有星星相得益彰,好唯美浪漫 💖

Love this night view, you can see Eiffel Tower, Dome Church Les Invalides

👉 How to Reach:
  • Metro: Lines 4, 6, 12, 13 @ 'Montparnasse-Bienvenue' station
  • Bus: No. 28, 58, 82, 88, 89, 91, 92, 94, 95, 96 @ stops at a walking distance from Tower


 👉 Tips:
  • For those who are interested to be "inside" the Eiffel Tower, then it is advisable to choose Eiffel Tower observation deck. (Note: The whole Eiffel Tower view will be missing from your photo)
  • For those who are interested to see the Eiffel Tower "in" the whole panoramic photo view, then it is advisable to choose Montparnasse Tower observation deck. (Note: The feeling of you are conquering the Eiffel Tower will be missing here)
  • Recommended time to visit the Montparnasse Tower is during sunset hours. Stay till night so that you can see the changing color of Paris city skyline from day time to night time.
  • Climb the Montparnasse Tower staircases to reach the open air terrace. You will get very clear and beautiful photos here compared to observation deck, as there is no mirror reflection in the open air terrace.
  • Good tips for travelers: Enjoy your time in 56th floor observation deck of Montparnasse Tower, with some foods and souvenirs available for purchase. When it is time for capturing photos of sunset or blinking Eiffel Tower light show, then just climb the staircases to open air terrace. After done, quickly head down to observation deck and warm yourself with some hot drinks! This way, you can take good photos at the right timing.
  • Remember to take warm clothes and jackets to keep you warm, It is cold and super breezy especially in the open air terrace.
  • For those who just want to enjoy the view comfortably and don't really enthusiastic to get good photos, then it is fine to just stay in the 56th floor observation deck. You will still enjoy the very good moments here with the Eiffel Tower in front of you!
  • Entrance Fees: 
    Standard Tickets: 
    💰Euro 18 (Adults) / Euro 15 (Students & Young 12 to 18 Years Old) / Euro 9.50 (Children 4 to 11 Years Old) / Free (Children Under 4 Years Old) / Euro 7.50 (Person with Limited Mobility) 

    Day & Night Tickets (Tickets valid for 48 hours, for 2 visits)
    💰Euro 23 (Adults) / Euro 20 (Students & Young 12 to 18 Years Old) / Euro 16 (Children 4 to 11 Years Old) / Free (Children Under 4 Years Old)

  • Official Website: Link (Make reservation before going to Montparnasse Tower)

Please enjoy the compilation of my Top Things to Do in Paris in Youtube, hope you guys enjoy and support me by subscribing, liking, and commenting! 💓😘

Refer to below links for more France October trip blogs:

1. Executive Summary: Ongoing
2. Day 1 (Montmartre) Day 1 (Montmartre)
3. Day 1 (Montparnasse Tower): Day 1 (Montparnasse Tower) 
4. Day 1 (Seine River Cruise): Day 1 (Seine River Cruise) 
5. Day 2 (Eiffel Tower/Place du Trocadero/Carousel) : Day 2 (Eiffel Tower/Place du Trocadero/Carousel)

More blogs ongoing

Montparnasse Tower wanderlust ends here! Interested to venture more of France? Refer to the links for other posts (You may find it at the upper or bottom of the page)! Please share with me if you have any comments or inquiries. Follow me in Facebook and Instagram to get updated on new blog posts and photos too!💗

(Notes: My website contains some affiliate links and advertisement which are not scam, they are safe to click and at no cost to you, it gives me a little bit of commission for me to keep on maintaining the website. Your support is my biggest motivation!)

💗 Author: Ng Mei Lian/ Adrian Yeoh Aun Hong
👉 Date: 29/10/2019